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How far is too far? How much is too much?

I’ve always heard people, as well as myself, say, “There’s no such thing as too much! Fight as hard as you can for what is right!”

But how true is that? Would you hurt someone for the sake of doing what is right? Would you kill someone for it?

Does the end justify your means, is what I’m asking. Would you do horrible things for the sake of what is right? Or at least what you perceive as right? I’ve always believed that you should do whatever you can to further your goals. But…what if it’s someone else, doing something that puts you in danger, all for the sake of furthering their goals? Would you be so accepting of the concept in that scenario?

Only during that game did the thought ever cross my mind. Everyone got along on a surface level, but had their own underlying goals, which conflicted with each other. Some did anything they could to keep everyone there, while others did anything they could to escape the place. I always had a peacemaker attitude throughout my life, trying to do the best of both worlds. But in a place like that game, there was no such thing as duality. You all either stayed trapped, or one person escaped. There truly was no middle ground.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Hi, I’m Omar. I was invited to attend Hopestone Academy, deemed the ultimate puppeteer. It may not be seen as useful by many, but I hold the title proudly. Any talent is a talent worth embracing, after all!

But I never got to the building. I don’t even remember getting on the bus. Actually..I don’t remember anything at all past me getting the invitation letter. It was like one moment, I received my invitation. And the next thing I knew, I was waking up from a long sleep, feeling dazed and tired…

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As I opened my eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the atmosphere, there was yet another question coming to my mind.

Where was I?

I sat up, the sand beneath me grinding against my jacket. I rubbed my eyes, my vision beginning to clear.

Omar: what is this place…?

I stood up, looking to the left, then to the right. To my right, there was a bright, sparkling ocean, which glimmered in the sunlight. That was when I realized I was on a beach. And to my left, there was more sand, and a small town in the distance. Had I just woken up inside an RPG?

A voice began to approach me, growing closer with each second. I turned my head, seeing two people approaching me.

The first, and taller, one noticed me looking at them. He smiled, walking over to me with his hand out for a handshake.

???: hey! Do you know what’s going on here?

I smiled, shaking his hand.

Omar: no. I just woke up.

???: oh, same thing with us.

He looked at the other person, then back at me.

???: say, are you an ultimate?

Omar: yep, I’m Omar, the ultimate puppeteer. Are you both ones as well?

???: yeah! I’m Mason, the ultimate electric guitarist.

He gestured to the second person.

Mason: and he’s Mateo, the ultimate poet.

Mateo nodded, fidgeting with his sleeves.

Omar: that’s pretty funny, three ultimates all waking up in one place. And it’s awesome to meet you two.

I reached my hand out to Mateo to handshake.

Mason: oh, he doesn’t like physical contact with new people.

Omar: why not?

Mason: just a personal boundary thing.

Omar: oh..alright. Well, hopefully we can not be strangers soon!

Omar: but now, I gotta ask the inevitable question… How’d we get here?

Mason: I have no idea. Let’s go see if anyone else is here, maybe in that town. They might have an answer.

Mason, Mateo, and I all walked down the beach and towards the small town. Well, “town” was a bit much. It looked more like a village. There weren’t even any roads, just paths made of gravel that led through the streets. The first thing we saw was a restaurant. I knew it was one because it had “Restaurant” written in fancy writing on a billboard outside.

Mason: let’s check inside there. Maybe someone’s getting food in there.

I walked up to the door, but then stopped. Voices were coming from the other side of it. I pressed my ear the door, in order to hear them better.

???: I think we’ve found ourselves in a ghost town…

??: who would’ve made this food if it was one, though?

Footsteps, also coming from the other side of the door, began to grow louder. Before I could realize what was happening, the door swung open, hitting me right in the face. I fell backwards, hitting the floor with a grunt.

The two people stepped out of the door, looking down at me.

??: oh my god! Are you okay?!

I sat up, looking at them.

Omar: heh, yeah… Coulda been way worse, right?

Mason got on his knees, looking at my face. He cringed.

Mason: I think your nose is bleeding…

I rubbed my nose with my hand, blood getting smudged across my palm.

Omar: damn, you’re right.

??: I’m so sorry about that! I didn’t realize you were there!

I stood back up, wiping myself off.

Omar: no, it’s fine! Trust me, I’ve dealt with way worse.

???: you could use a tissue..

Omar: nonsense! It’ll go away. What’s in here?

??: well, there’s food.

She took a bite of a sandwich she was carrying.

??: and it’s really good! Do you guys want any?

Mason: maybe later. We’re mostly looking for people here at the moment.

??: fair enough. I’m Jo, by the way. I’m the ultimate bodyguard.

Omar: another ultimate? Is your friend here an ultimate too?

Jo: yep!

???: my name’s Jane, the ultimate archer.

Mason: so it’s clearly not a coincidence at this point…

Jo: what’s not a coincidence?

Mason: that everyone here is an ultimate. The three of us are ultimates, as well.

Jo: oh, that’s so cool!

After we introduced ourselves to the two, they decided to join us in our journey to find people. The five of us walked to the other side of the dirt path, which led to a pool area.

???: wow, this place is like a vacation!

??: that’s not what we should be focusing on…

???: whaaat? We got free food and a pool. What more could you ask for?

??: knowledge on where we are, firstly.

Omar: hey! You two!

The two turned to look over at me. The first one smiled, walking in our direction.

???: hi!

Mason: hey there. You seem happy.

???: of course! This place is like a paradise!

??: we’ve barely explored…

The second guy then looked at me.

??: why are you bleeding?

Omar: door to the face.

??: oh, god. Here, take a tissue.

He reached into a bag he was carrying, pulling out a tissue and handing it to me. I took it, pressing it against my nose.

??: you should sit down.

Omar: why? It’s just a nosebleed.

The guy ushered me over to a chair overlooking the pool, telling me to sit down.

??: you should lean forward and pinch your nose. That should help.

I gave him a weird look, doing as he said.

Omar: don’t get why you’re so freaked out over this.

??: I’m not!

Omar: alright.. If you’re gonna play doctor, can you give us your name and talent?

He sighed.

??: it’s Alec, the ultimate housekeeper.

Alec: and that other guy is Albert. He’s the ultimate painter.

Albert: yup!

Jane: I must ask…why do you two look so similar?

Albert: oh, that’s ‘cause we’re brothers. Twin brothers, actually!

Jo: really? That’s sick! I’ve never met twins before!

Jo: do you guys do the thing where you switch clothes and pretend to be each other during school?

Albert: sometimes. Only for subjects we struggle in.

Alec: if we didn’t, he would’ve failed math.

Albert: oh come on, I’m not that bad at it!

I snickered.

After Alec finally believed I was fine, and my nose stopped bleeding, we continued searching the place. We decided to split into two groups. Jo, Alec, Albert, and I were one group, while the other five went a different way. All of us agreed to meet back at the restaurant after finding any new people.

We came across a hotel, which was named “Becca’s Resort.” A bit of a strange name. We entered inside, being met with a rather typical lobby. It was summer themed, with orange, yellow, and white decor. Nothing that seemed out of the ordinary, beside the fact there was no receptionist.

Albert: weird that there’s no staff or guests present. Is this place abandoned?

Alec: the condition is way too good for it to be abandoned, unless it was only done so recently.

I poked around the front desk. There was a computer, but it wouldn’t turn on.

Omar: there’s nothing useful here. And without a receptionist, I doubt we’ll get into the rooms.

Jo: so this place is a bust? Damn.

???: what's a bust?

I looked to the side. Two girls were standing beside the desk.

Omar: where'd you two come from?

??: we were exploring the hallways, then heard some talking from over here.

???: yeah. Can't get into the rooms, though. Trust me, I tried.

Jo: oh, that's a shame.

Albert: who are you two?

???: I'm Adanna! I’m the one and only ultimate prankster.

She nudged the other girl.

Adanna: and this is my girlfriend, Zahrah.

Zahrah: I'm the ultimate lawyer.

Albert: are you one of those mean lawyers?

Zahrah: …

Albert: what?

Alec rolled his eyes, hitting Albert with his elbow.

Albert: ow!

Alec: don't mind him. He's a doofus sometimes.

Zahrah: it's fine...

Omar: …so the doors to the rooms won't open?

Adanna: yeah, sadly. The vending machines work, though! But they require money.

Omar: ah, that sucks. But I should let you both know there's more people here, if you didn't know.

Adanna: oh, good! For a while I thought it was just us two.

Jo: also, we need to go back to the restaurant. We agreed to meet the others back there after we found any new people.

The six of us exited the hotel, heading back in the direction of the restaurant. Once I stepped inside, I saw the other five already there, along with three new people.

Mason: oh, hey. You're all back!

Jane: who are these two?

After Zahrah and Adanna introduced themselves to the others, I looked over at the other three.

Omar: and who are you all?

???: am Dashawn. Ultimate survivalist expert.

Jo: oh, Dashawn! Kai! Hello!

She walked over to him, smiling.

Alec: you know him?

Jo: yeah! He's a friend of Jane and I.

Albert: is it just me, or does he look a little too…old to be a highschooler?

Jane: you could say he started highschool a little late.

???: haha, yeah. I'm Kai, the ultimate rollerblader. I'm also a friend of theirs.

Adanna: heh, four friends who are all ultimates? What are the chances of that?

Kai: yeah, everyone was pretty surprised when we told them.

???: …I'm Trey, the ultimate songwriter.

Albert: Trey! You’re here too?!

He walked over to them. The two bumped fists.

Zahrah: you two know each other as well?

Albert: yep!

Zahrah: how peculiar, how so many of us know each other.

Adanna: sorta. But that’s a good thing, right?

Zahrah: I guess. Whatever we’re being called here to do, it’ll probably be more bearable with people we know.

Omar: alright, so that makes twelve of us. Is that everyone?

Alec: there may be more people on the island. We should explore further.

As if on cue, the sound of a speaker turning on echoed through the building. I looked up at the wall, seeing a speaker propped up on it.

Announcer: greetings, tourists! Thank you for choosing Mayland Island. For more information on this lovely place, head over to the beach.

The speaker then turned off. The voice had been of a cheerful woman.

Trey: …tourists?

Adanna: weird. Do you think we should go?

Omar: I don't see why not! Let's get going, everyone.

I ushered everyone out of the restaurant, and towards the beach, which luckily wasn’t that far away. When we arrived, there was a woman standing on the sand. She wore a tie-dye shirt, and no shoes. Five other people were standing near her, who she’d been talking to cheerfully. Once she noticed us, she waved to us.

???: welcome! I’m Becca, and I’m here to answer any questions you have about this place.

Omar: Becca… Oh! Your name was on that hotel!

Becca: correct.

Zahrah: so you run this place?

She nodded.

Zahrah: good. Now answer why we’re here. And how you brought us here. And also where we are.

Becca: oh, right! I should’ve led with that. You’re at Mayland Island, a beautiful island home to lovely waves and amazing nature. Consider this a personal vacation, all expenses paid. You’re all allowed to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t violate the rules of the island. Make friends, swim in the waves, and pick from a variety of delicious meals at our restaurant.

Zahrah: that doesn’t answer how you brought us here.

Albert: who cares how we got here?! This place sounds like heaven!

???: as great as this all sounds…it feels too good to be true. Getting all of this completely for free?

Kai: come on, babe. How bad can it be?

They placed their hand on the person’s shoulder. Did they know each other too?

Alec: how long is this vacation? I don’t think our sister can manage the entire house on her own.

Becca: this vacation is as long as you guys make it. The vacation is all about making connections with your fellow students, so it will end whenever I notice explicit growth between all of you.

Alec: what kind of answer is that?!

Jane: who is paying for this trip? Was this planned by the school?

Becca: I’m afraid I can’t answer those kinds of questions. I am simply your tour guide; I had no part in setting up this trip.

Adanna: hmm… Can we get money? I noticed some vending machines in the resort.

Becca: oh, yes! You can find coins around the island, which you can use to buy snacks and other luxuries from the vending machines. There’s snacks and drinks, as well as toys, plushies, and other items!

??: what about those “rules” you mentioned?

Becca: there’s a small list of rules you all must follow. Other than those, you all are free to do as you wish! I’ll give you a rundown of the rules, and they are also set up on signs throughout the island in case any of you need a reminder.

She proceeded to give us a short list of all the rules.

Rule one: Intentionally breaking any property of the island without permission is forbidden. There may be exceptions made if asked.

Rule two: The only pieces of property that may not be broken under any circumstances are the security cameras, vending machines, and speakers.

Rule three: Nighttime is from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Certain areas will be off limits during nighttime, and all running water will be turned off.

Rule four: The island is a safe space for all guests, and does not tolerate any discrimination or rude behavior.

Rule five: More rules will be added if necessary.

Only four rules? Not that bad.

Trey: …now what?

Becca: you all are free to explore, and get settled into your new environment. You can check out your resort rooms, introduce yourselves, and go have fun! Just remember the rule about nighttime, and that you can call me for assistance whenever you need help with something.

She then exited, leaving the seventeen of us to our own devices.

?: this is kind of weird.

Zahrah: and the award for understatement of the year goes to…

???: I guess we should do as she said. Explore and get used to the environment.

Alec: you’re just…okay with this? No questions at all? It sounds amazing and all, but it’s still strange.

???: of course I’m confused. But it seems harmless, and will probably be fun once all the initial shock dies down. So…why not get to it?

Omar: I like your thinking!

Mason: if this trip is all about becoming friends, we should all introduce ourselves to each other.

???: oh, right.. I’m Charlie, the ultimate history teacher.

??: Thomas, the ultimate screenwriter.

?: I’m Thiago, the ultimate bartender.

I looked at Thiago.

Omar: wow, you’re really tall.

Thiago: haha, yeah. I get that a lot.

Adanna: how tall are you?

Thiago: 6’4.

Dashawn: wow. Me not that tall…

???: name’s Annie, the ultimate dog trainer.

Jo turned to someone who was standing next to her. She elbowed him.

Jo: hey, you didn’t introduce yourself.

He looked up, as if just realizing where he was. She cleared her throat.

???: hi.. I’m Jojo, the ultimate programmer.

Jane: and that appears to be everyone here…

We all ended up going in separate directions, going off on our own adventures. I decided to check out the resort again, since Becca said we’d be staying there. How would we stay there if we couldn’t get into the rooms?

Once arriving at the resort, I checked out the rooms. The first room was Room 101, and the last was Room 117. The rooms were each assigned to us, and had our names on the door. The names went in alphabetical order, making Adanna the first with Room 101, and Zahrah the last with Room 117. I got Room 113.

While I was trying to figure out how to get into my room, I rested my hands in my jacket pockets. That was when I felt something in them. I pulled it out, realizing it was a keycard to the room. Was that always there? Nonetheless, I swiped the keycard against the card reader, opening the door.

The room was more than I was expecting, as if it had been tailored to my specific tastes. It was my favorite shade of blue, with a single bunk bed with white sheets. There was a wooden box in the corner of the room, filled with puppets and other quirky toys.

I picked one up. A stitched together doll, the kind usually portrayed as haunted and creepy in the movies. But I found it cute. I smiled, then placed it back in the box.

There wasn’t much to see in my room, and I liked it that way. So I decided to go check out what the others were doing.

When I exited my room, I saw Annie looking at her room.

Omar: the key might be in your pocket.

She looked at me, then checked her pockets. Sure enough, she pulled out keycard.

Annie: how’d ya know that?

Omar: same thing happened to me.

She nodded, then swiped her card, opening the door. I followed after her.

It seemed every room was different, presumably to fit the tastes of whoever’s room it was. Her room looked nothing like mine.

She turned around, noticing me standing there.

Annie: the hell? Why're you here?

Omar: I just wanna look around.

Annie: beat it! Ya don’t just enter people’s rooms like that!

She pushed me out of the room, shutting the door. I frowned.

Omar: no need to be so rude…

I walked out of the resort. My bad mood quickly faded. How could I be upset when it was such a beautiful day in such a beautiful place? I came across the restaurant, noticing the door was open. I decided to take a look around.

Jo was sitting at one of the tables, eating sandwiches off one of the platters.

Omar: they’re that good, huh?

She turned to me, then nodded. She grabbed one off the platter.

Jo: try one!

I gladly took it, taking a bite.

Omar: you’re right, these things rock!

I popped the rest of the sandwich in my mouth with just one bite. After grabbing another, I went to check out the kitchen next. Alec and Kai were already there when I stepped inside.

Alec: where are the chefs in this place? Who is making the food here?

Kai: I dunno. Maybe they’re like vampires and only appear when the sun goes down!

Alec: this place gets stranger by the second…

Omar: hey, chill a little. Do you want a sandwich?

I offered him the sandwich I had taken.

Alec: what? No! You already bit it.

Omar: so?

Alec: that’s disgusting!

Omar: geez, fine. Suit yourself.

I took another bite.

Omar: why're you even asking all these silly questions? Just enjoy the free vacation.

Alec: because, unlike you, I have common sense; I don’t just take these strange offers without a grain of salt.

Kai: oh, come on! How bad can this be?

Alec: we don’t even know who brought us here! Maybe some of us didn’t want to be here!

Omar: you’d rather be at home than here?

Alec: I have a life! I have plans that I can’t just miss for a vacation! And how am I supposed to explain this to my sister once Albert and I get out?! She’s not gonna believe that we woke up on some fantastical island and had to make friends to get off.

Omar: well, Becca said it ends whenever we all become friends, or something. So the quicker you loosen up and get settled in, the quicker you can get out of here.

Kai: yeah, man! Enjoy the time we got here!

Xe placed their hand on his shoulder.

Kai: this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! We should take full advantage of it.

Alec groaned, pushing Kai's hand off his shoulder. He then stormed out of the kitchen.

Omar: damn, what’s up with him?

Kai shrugged.

Kai: ehhhh… He’ll have to accept it at some point. I’m gonna go try one of those sandwiches.

I looked down at my hand, just remembering I was carrying one. I took another bite.

Omar: yeah, you should. They’re really good!

Kai went to get a sandwich, then exited the building. I decided to stay around for a bit, looking around.

Soon, I went towards the front door to leave as well. But right as I was reaching for the handle, someone had opened it. Thiago stood on the other side of the door.

Thiago: oh, hi.

Omar: hey. Do you need anything?

Thiago: there’s a woman fighting Becca at the beach.

I blinked.

Omar: what?! Who is it?

He shrugged.

I quickly followed after him, rushing towards the beach. Just as he said, Becca and a woman I hadn’t seen earlier were fighting. She wore all black, and was winning by a longshot. Charlie, Kai, Jane, and Alec were watching it happen.

She pinned Becca to the floor.

???: woo! That’s what your prissy self gets for tryna tell me what to do!

Becca: violence is against the island rules..!

The woman kicked her, then turned to us.

???: anyone else looking for a whooping tonight?

No one said anything.

???: good! This is my island now, and I make the rules! One of you go gather all the others, ‘cause I got an important announcement to make.

Charlie and Kai ran off to tell the others about the news. I looked over at Jane and Alec.

Omar: so…what’s up with her?

Jane: I don’t know, but I feel she’ll be causing trouble.

???: hey! I can hear you both! Stop acting like I’m not right in front of you.

Alec: who even are you?

???: introductions are for when all of you show up. For now, keep your pretty face shut.

When the other fourteen arrived at the scene, the woman cleared her throat.

???: the name’s Nicole. As you all can see, I just beat up your tour guide. And I’ll do the same to any of you if you break one of the new rules set up by me. But before I get to those, I must mention just how boring this place is. No violence? Making friends? What kinda idiot enjoys crap like that nowadays?

Nicole: so I’m gonna be repurposing this island a lil bit! Instead of a sanctuary where you all make friends, it’s gonna be the setting of a killing game!

Adanna: a what?!

Nicole: yep! Instead of wasting your days chatting and becoming friends, you can let out your rage by murdering whoever stands in your way! And, if you get away with it, you can leave the island! Granted, it’ll kill everyone else if you do, but that’s just the price you gotta pay.

Thomas: everyone else will die?

Nicole: yep! Once a body is discovered, you’ll all have to investigate, then debate over who did it in a special trial area. If you all figure it out, the blackened will be executed, and you guys can go back to your normal lives. But if you get it wrong, everyone besides the blackened will be executed, and the blackened can leave the island.

Nicole: also, I’ll be giving you guys these little tourist handbooks, which are multifunctional! The apps include a notepad, a chatting system, a camera, a database of each tourist, and more! These will hopefully make your lives here easier!

Nicole: toodles, now. Go have fun in your new killing game, and remember to not trust anyone!

She then exited.

Becca sat up, her eyes filling with tears.

Mason: …what on earth just happened?

Zahrah: hey, you.

She looked at Becca.

Zahrah: do something about that maniac!

Becca: I can’t…she’s too strong…

Alec: is this some kind of trick? Are you working with her?

Becca: no…! You all are my beloved guests; I would never trick any of you.

Omar: I believe her! We should try to figure out how to stop that Nicole girl.

Kai: it's seventeen of us, and one of her. Let's just gang up on her!

Thiago: that may be a bad idea…

Kai: oh, come on, big guy. We can all do it together!

Alec: are you stupid? She may be more powerful than we know.

Kai: fine! I'll do it myself, then!

Kai then turned around, running in the direction where Nicole went. Xe started shouting her name.

Charlie: no, wait!

He ran after Kai.

Adanna: um…should we try to stop them from doing that?

Thomas: why should we? If they die, they dug their own grave.

Dashawn: that not good…

Dashawn then ran after them as well. I, as well as Jane and Jo, followed as well. Right as I reached the restaurant, I saw Kai and Nicole facing each other beside the sign.

Kai: finally, I found you! I'm not gonna let you do this to everyone!

Nicole: try me! I'll snap all your bones like glow sticks!

Kai took the challenge, rushing towards her. They attempted a punch, which Nicole dodged. After a few missed hits, Kai landed a kick on her stomach, knocking her to the floor.

Kai: take that!

Nicole looked up at xem, laughing.

Nicole: looks like you broke a rule of mine! Violence against the island master is prohibited!

Kai: says who?!

Nicole: says me!

She got up, pulling out a gun.

Nicole: this is the punishment for breaking the rules! Hopefully I'll make a good example out of you!

She then pushed the trigger, firing the gun.

Charlie ran up to Kai, pushing them out of the line of fire. The bullets pierced through his clothes and into skin, blood immediately pooling from his chest. He fell down.

Kai looked up at them.

Kai: Charlie!

Xe got up off the ground, running over to where Charlie had fallen.

Nicole looked at Charlie, a disappointed look on her face.

Nicole: you idiot! Now you're gonna die instead of them!

I turned my head, seeing most of the others running towards the scene.

Alec: why was there gunshots?!

Becca looked at me, then at Charlie. She ran over to them, falling to her knees.

Becca: oh no… No, no, no. A tourist can't die on my watch…

Nicole shrugged, putting away the gun.

Nicole: I guess he's gotta die! That's what he gets for running in the line of fire.

Becca: n..no, you can't do that!

Nicole: and why not?

Becca: the rules say as much..! Charlie didn't break the rules, and therefore can't be punished. To do so would be an unfair use of power, which is also against your rules.

Nicole raised a brow, then sighed.

Nicole: ugh, you do have a point… I guess I can save them, then.

She then picked up Charlie, who was still breathing, even if shakily.

Nicole: we’ll be back tomorrow. Perhaps y’all should check out the rules while I’m gone, so this won’t happen again. Because, trust me, I ain’t giving out any more second chances.

She then left.

Jane: …she’s right, we should check out the new rules.

I pulled out my handbook, clicking the ‘rules’ app icon. I read each one.

Rule one: Intentionally breaking any property of the island is fair game, especially if it’s required for a murder plan.

Rule two: The only pieces of property that may not be broken under any circumstances are the security cameras, speakers, and vending machines.

Rule three: Nighttime is from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Certain areas will be off limits during nighttime, and all running water will be turned off.

Rule four: After a murder takes place, the body must be seen by at least three innocent people. After that many people have seen the body, an announcement will be played, warning everyone of the incident. An investigation and eventual trial will then commence.

Rule five: Giving away your handbook to another tourist will result in punishment.

Rule six: If a murder occurs, the person who deals the fatal blow to the victim will be considered the blackened.

Rule seven: A single person may only kill up to two people. If there are multiple murders, whoever killed the first victim will be deemed the blackened.

Rule eight: The island master may only punish a tourist if they broke a rule, or if it's the appropriate result for a trial.

Rule none: More rules may be added if necessary.

Most of the rules seemed pretty reasonable. Well, as reasonable as the rules in a death game could be.

Trey: …are we missing someone?

Albert: oh, yeah. Pretty sure Mason and Mateo stayed back at the beach.

Adanna: should we go tell them the news?

Omar: yeah! Let's also get a plan started on how we’ll all live here.

We all went back to the beach. Surely enough, the two were there, sitting on a towel which was set up on the sand.

Jo: don't worry, everything's fine. Charlie got shot, but he’ll be okay.

Mason: ..why was he?

Kai: …

Jo: turns out getting shot is the punishment for rule breaking. But it's okay! They were shot falsely and Nicole is gonna undo the damage.

Mason nodded, turning to Mateo. He hugged him

Mason: see? Everything’s gonna be alright.

Omar: okay, now that everyone’s up to date…

I stepped up to the front of the group. Most of the others turned to me.

Omar: I say we need a schedule, so we’re not wandering around here blindly.

Alec: the first idea of yours that has been useful. We could meet at the restaurant for meals each day. Perhaps for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Albert: sounds good. It doesn't seem like we’ll need to worry about anyone cooking, either!

After working out the time, everyone decided breakfast would be at 9:00 a.m., lunch at 2:00 p.m., and dinner at 7:00 p.m. No one had any objections to the plan, so we all agreed on it, then went our separate ways. By the time I was finished exploring, it was starting to get late. The sun was dipping below the skyline, turning the sky a mixture of oranges and pinks. I admired it for a few seconds, taking in the beauty.

Once I reached the hotel, I went to my room. An announcement played over the speakers throughout the island, spoken by none other than Nicole.

Nicole: it is now 11:00 p.m., meaning it is officially nighttime! So get snuggly under your blankets, and pray someone doesn't break into your room and murder you in your sleep.

The speakers then turned off. I got into my pajamas, then sat down on the top bunk of my bed. I looked out the window in my room, which overlooked the island, with a view of the ocean in the distance.

This wasn't an ideal situation, but what was that to stop me? I knew I could deal with so much worse, and everyone else could as well.

Yeah, we could do this.


